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Gastronomica -The Journal for Food Studies
On Food and Philosophy

November 1, 2024​


Gastronomica: The Journal for Food Studies is soliciting original contributions to a collection of short essays (1000 -1200 word) that capture the relevance and importance of thinking philosophically about food in our current age. The selected essays, introduced and edited by Robert Valgenti (The Culinary Institute of America/Gastronomica) and Andrea Borghini (University of Milan/Culinary Mind), will appear in the summer 2025 issue of Gastronomica as a special section that will also inaugurate a recurring feature in the journal on the relationship between food and philosophical thinking—a collaboration between Gastronomica and Culinary Mind, the academic network promoting philosophical thinking on food.
While once a subject that was rarely considered within academic philosophy, the philosophy of food has grown over the past three decades into a substantial area of research that brings academic philosophy into conversation with the multi-disciplinary and growing field of food studies. With the aim of mapping out the current state of the art, the editors ask perspective contributors to address the following question in their short essays: what does it mean to you, in your daily practice, to address food-related issues (broadly understood to include food practices and products, food systems, food culture and experience, food media and technologies, etc.), from a philosophical perspective? 
Submissions are welcome in any style or method of philosophical thinking. The editors especially encourage authors to consider topics and issues that broaden the field and demonstrate its relevance beyond the disciplinary boundaries of academic philosophy.  All submissions will be blind peer-reviewed and selected to reflect a broad range of philosophical approaches, issues, and traditions. Gastronomica is a cross-disciplinary journal with a broad audience, so we ask authors to write in a manner that will engage rather than alienate our varied readership.
Submission Guidelines:
• Deadline: November 1, 2024
• 1000-1200 words submitted as a Word document, with a clear/descriptive title, a word count, and 4-6 keywords.
• Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition: in-text citations (Author, date); double-spaced, Notes/References Cited at the end of the text. American spelling; italics (not underlining) for emphasis.
• Please note in your cover letter that you are submitting to the special section on food and philosophy.
Submission portal:
For more information about the journal, visit
If you have questions, please contact
Jessica Carbone, Managing Editor, Gastronomica:

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